Chiesi foundation
Founded in 2005, the Chiesi Foundation Onlus is a no-profit organisation which seeks to capitalise on Chiesi’s legacy of knowledge in order to promote health and alleviate the suffering of patients affected by chronic obstructive respiratory diseases, rare diseases and neonatal diseases. The Chiesi Foundation pursues its mission through scientific research, and by sharing knowledge and educating healthcare professionals, the public and patient associations.
The Foundation affirms and recognises that its inherent and deeply-rooted values are constituted by:
- the centrality of the human being;
- the observance of universally-accepted ethical principles;
- a sense of responsibility towards the environment and society;
- the sharing of science and knowledge without limits or restrictions;
- the fight against suffering and inequality.
The Chiesi Foundation’s main areas of activity are:
- Scientific research to better understand the patient needs and improve their management, through the study of physio-pathological mechanisms, phenotypes and in-depth analysis of psychological aspects of patient care;
- Making scientific knowledge widely available in order to improve the care of patients and promote a better understanding of their needs by both the public domain and institutions;
- Training for young researchers, to promote academic scientific research and contribute to healthcare professions, by financing doctorate research projects;
- International cooperation in sharing medical and technological knowledge and transfer of means to low-income and developing countries across long-term projects orientated towards self-financing.
The Chiesi Foundation is guided by a Board of Directors, which approves budgeting and activity plans. An independent Scientific Advisory Board advises the Foundation on all scientific matters.
For further information please visit Chiesi Foundation